
ICS 414 Reflection

09 Dec 2023

Overall I believe ICS 414 to be one of the better courses you can take in the computer science program at Manoa. The Course itself is not very difficult as there isn’t much studying in the traditional sense, however the...

Software Engineering Teamwork

A Method to the Madness

01 Dec 2022

Computer science is one hell of a daunting field. It requires so much attention to detail and complex problem solving, most times you are basically asked to create something out of nothing. This chaos can be very difficult to navigate,...

software engineering design patterns rock climbing

Pulling Myself Up By The Bootstraps (v5.0)

06 Oct 2022

One of the main reasons I gained an interest in computer science was because of the ability to seemingly create something out of nothing, directly from my imagination. Before this class I only had a very limited opportunity to learn...

html css Bootstrap User Interface Web Design

The Good, the Bad, and the Missing Indentation on Line 42

22 Sep 2022

The bane of procrastinating programmers at critical deadlines has been coding standards, for as long as there have even been coding standards. The dreaded “typo at line 234” has perpetually haunted me on sleepless nights since having to adhere to...

Software Engineering Coding Standards

The Fun Part

15 Sep 2022

There are a lot of good reasons for choosing a college major. Some key things that come to mind when thinking about computer science are: valuable skills, a growing job market, longevity of said jobs, above average pay, etc. etc....

Software Engineering Motivation Creativity

No Such Thing as a Dumb Question

08 Sep 2022

No Such Thing as a Dumb Question I can’t say that I can end the very polarizing debate over whether there is or is not such a thing as a dumb question. On one side it’s counterintuitive to stifle someone’s...

Questions StackOverflow

Learning Javascript as a Chronic Overthinker

31 Aug 2022

I, like many other students, tend to overthink. This is not simply limited to the realm of academics, I will spend minutes deciding what to eat for breakfast. How many calories should I eat, will this meal make me feel...

Software Engineering Learning